Blog PRO.display

Promo ROI Pedigree

Written by Wiktor Miałkowski | 11 August 2020

The location of the promotional exposition is crucial to its profitability.

The exposition shown in the photo is localized perfectly - to the side of the main passage, next to the entrance to the category (most buyers go only as far as 2-3m into the aisle). The producer's offer turned out to be so attractive that most of the goods were sold out. This means a loss of potential sales and retailer's margin and a challenge when it comes to keeping current merchandising.


That is why it is good practice to consistently monitor the promotion with the use of a Photo Recognition system supported by AI such as PRO.Display, which some producers already do and which retailers are showing increasing interest in. Such control enhances the effective execution of promotions up to 99%, doubling or even tripling their ROI.

If you'd like to download the high resolution photo click: photo1