Nestle ROI exposition

31 October 2019

In building the strength of brands and individual products, manufacturers are fighting for the best exposition in shops.

Promotional expositions play a key role here. Unfortunately, they are associated with high costs, e.g. for space and POSM production. An additional risk is the quality of the actual exposition in the shop. The solution is cardboard stands, which are often pre-stocked and guarantee integrated communication.

TAGI: Shopper, TradeMarketing, Probspl, InStoreActivation, nestle

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Lion store activation

22 October 2019

Every food brand, when elaborating its exposition materials, has to take different types of shops and locations of the exposition into account.

Large corporations take the additional specificity of various markets into account, preparing ready-made sets of solutions. In such situations, it is very important to maintain the consistency of form and communication for completely different types of POSM. The photos below show a very interesting example of consistency in actions taken by Nestle: a large floor expositor in hypermarkets and small exposition basket in supermarkets and independent shops.

TAGI: POSM, Probspl, nestle, storeactivation, lion

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Nestle - Ice-Cream category differentiation

30 July 2019

Large companies very often build their strength in particular categories offering products to consumers under different brands and in a different price segment.

TAGI: btl, nestle, brand, icecream

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Nestle Lion positioning

26 March 2019

We've found very impressive Lion Bar expositions.

They were absolutely outstanding, but the main question is - "how is the communication of these stands vs the target group of the product (16-20 year-olds), presented in ATL?" Perhaps there is some truth to the saying that "every man is an overgrown child".

TAGI: stand, POSM, nestle

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Best in class "BTL communication"

31 July 2018

Communication to the buyer is one of the most important elements supporting sales.

It is difficult for impulse products, and especially for multinationals concerns which are active in many markets.

TAGI: btl, nestle

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