Mars, Haribo and Coca Cola in strong alcoholic beverages?

19 December 2019

Recently, news about the entry of Coca Cola into the strong alcohol distribution market in Poland has circulated.

So, does the attached photo suggest similar actions by the Mars and Haribo brands?

TAGI: TradeMarketing, cocacola, mars, Probspl, haribo

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Coca-Cola & Costa Coffee

16 July 2019

In 2019 the takeover of the Costa chain by Coca-Cola was finalized and the first results of this acquisition have already appeared in stores.

In the best places inside Coca-Cola fridges, next to the flagship product of the group, we can find now cans of coffee drinks with the Costa logo.

TAGI: cocacola, Probspl, InStoreActivation, costa

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BTL Shape does matter

11 June 2019

The struggle to gain Shoppers’ attention at the store takes various forms.

While creating POSM, Trade Marketers often focus on colors, catchy slogans or proper placement.

TAGI: Shopper, pepsi, cocacola, POSM, btl, Probspl, storeactivation

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Coca Cola in-store activation

19 March 2019

We can see the real power of producers through their promotional activities in stores. The quality of BTL communication is testament to the level of Trade Marketing, but also at the same time to the size and efficiency of the Sales Department. It is crucial that POS materials are present next to the product from the beginning to the end of the activity. It is equally important that they are updated after the end of the action.

TAGI: Shopper, cocacola, btl, Probspl, instore

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Shopper Marketing POS stands

08 February 2019

While fighting for the attention of the shopper in the store using POS Materials, we can accent the Promo Price, Picture, Text, but we can also distinguish Shape of our materials.

TAGI: stand, Shopper, lays, pepsi, POS, TradeMarketing, cocacola

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